Sunday, April 1, 2018

Wellington be well

After 10 hours on the train we were grateful to arrive in the capitol, Wellington. We loved the train but 10 hours of anything is grueling and the fact I didn't start getting carsick until hour 9 was pretty amazing. When we pulled into Wellington station at 6:30 pm, we were all ready to get our land legs back.

After a quick shuttle ride to our hotel, we checked into the Boulcott Suites. We managed to see the Beehive (parliament building) on the way but by the time we checked into our town home it was dark. We tried one restaurant only to be told it was an hour wait. No thanks - we ended up across the street at a French inspired pub called Henry Pollen. Food was OK but we ate outside and the stormy clouds and smokers made the atmosphere less than ideal.

We walked around a little but it was clear that the downtown was a party scene  -not our scene. So we retired to our town homes where we were happy to see a note about how much they value quiet so please respect the quiet hours. No problem on our end. After a brief stop at a grocery (New World) we settled into bed.

...only to be awoken at 3 am by the crowd of drunk neighbors. Actually i first heard what i think is a common practice here - the final drink music/announcement from police. Then a group loudly stumbled their way home. i think they actually tried our door first only to realize they were next door. They proceeded to loudly laugh, talk and smoke outside our window. We finally called the front desk but I am not sure it did anything. They did quiet down but the noise level increased again at 6 AM. At which point a yell out the window (SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP) was necessary. not the best night sleep ever and not a great impression. 

1 comment:

Tia said...

Sorry you had a rough night. Happy Easter from home! Love you all, and we'll miss you today.