Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I think I hear a cowbell

So its that time of year again when the VerHoeven quad sets out on a worldwide adventure. Selecting our new destination is always fun, although seems to fall to the opinions of those who care the most: Erin and Colby. It seems that Grady and Steve are pretty much along for the ride, any ride, as long as it involves a ride at some point.

2019 Spring Break will usher in our first trip to the European continent. i don't think Ireland truly counted and Iceland certainly doesn't count. So how did we end up selecting the Swiss for a visit? It all came down to realizing that we travel well in a car, wanted to see Europe and have an affinity for gorgeous mountain views. Throw in the desire for a little heart beating adrenaline moments and the Swiss Alps came calling. Or should I say yodeling....

This trip i have decided to place in the hands of a travel agent. Yes, the letting go of control has been challenging but I have found that agents have insights and connections to places \ day trips that i never would have found. I have also learned a lot about our preferences, and in particular my determination to have some things a certain way. I don't think of myself as picky but it turns out I am picky about some things. They may not be about high luxury resorts but they are about all wheel drive cars that can accommodate a 6 foot son, drives that take in the countryside and at least one chocolate tour.

We will soon embark on a Swiss tour that start in Geneva, meanders through Interlaken and Bern, and ends in Zurich. No skiing for us but maybe some sledding, definitely some hiking, likely a scary photo opp in a glass room on the side of a mountain and certainly many trains/cogwheels/gondolas and funiculars .

1 comment:

Tia said...

And a few yoga poses!